String Theory is the best candidate we have as the theory of Quantum Gravity. The main goal of my research is trying to connect String Theory with the world we live in. This means providing theoretically-justified scenarios capable of explaining what we see or able to predict brand-new features which could be detected by experiments.
Given that String Theory shows its main influence at high energies, the universe is the best Lab we have to test it. This is why I focused my work on Cosmology. If String Theory is the correct theory of Quantum Gravity, it should tell us why our universe is made in the way we observe it today. In particular, String Theory should be able to give a reason for the accelerated expansion the universe underwent a few fractions of a second after it was born, and why the present cosmological constant is so small (and why not zero). Unfortunately, as of now we do not have a satisfying answer.
I find all these questions extremely stimulating, and I believe that the advent of the next generation of experiments will challenge our knowledge. I am looking forward to this.
Fuzzy Dark Matter Candidates from String Theory
Talk given online at the StringPheno Seminar, the 23rd of November 2021.